Hrithik Roshan shared an update on his forthcoming project Fighter, co-starring Deepika Padukone and we can't keep calm. The actor shared a set of pictures on his social media handle on Friday evening. In the picture, the co-stars can be seen happily posing together. The other shot features Hrithik and Deepika posing with the film's director Siddharth Anand. An excited Hrithik Roshan captioned his post: "This gang is ready for take off." He accompanied the post with the hashtag #Fighter. The film marks Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan's first collaborative project. Hrithik has previously worked with Siddharth Anand in the 2019 film War, co-starring Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor.
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One Piece Film: Red hits theaters on September 23, 2022. Tickets to see the film at your local movie theater are available online here. The film is being released in a wide release so you can watch it in person. 2ff7e9595c